Talk Place

Project Overview

Talk Place is a platform where users can rant, discuss, opine on any topic that they want. This platform allows users to post anonymously which promotes a sense of security among users. There are normal posts that the users can use to discuss any topic or they can create and engage in forums.

The forums are public or private as per the user’s liking. The users can communicate with each other using the personal chat system as well.

Project Cost

$30 / hour


Group 5

Our PoA

The main components of the platform are Posts, Forums and Chat. The major development time was consumed in making sure that the identity of the user is not leaked in any situation.

The users have the option to post and reply on comments as well so making a thread of all the linked replies was another hurdle to overcome.

Time Effort

1200 hrs

Project URLs

Technology used

Project Requirements
Frontend Development
Quality Analysis

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