Landlord Gopher

Project Overview

Landlord Gopher is a "Property Management Style" Investor Concierge Service. The app makes communication even easier to request services.Tenants create an account once they lease a property managed by Landlord Gopher. From their account they can request maintenance at the push of a button and even chat with office staff if they have questions.

Landlords create and account and (or their property or portfolio) and too can request services with ease. If a landlord needs maintenance work on an unoccupied unit, or to request any assistance this app was designed for just that. Landlord accounts also will house folders with leases, inspection reports, pictures and more.

Project Cost

$30 / hour



Our PoA

The main step of the development phase was to choose the right technology for the apps so we decided to go with the native technology for creating both IOS and Android App. We need the robust system on how to send the video or photos while chatting with the office staff.

After that once everything was planned and sorted than it took our developers to incorporate all the modules and requirements of the app to create a really awesome product and deliver it on time with ease. And now both the apps are LIVE.

Time Effort

250 hrs

Project URLs

Technology used

Project Requirements
Frontend Development
Quality Analysis

Request for a Free NDA

Want to discuss your requirements but worried about data infingements? Please enter your email id and we will send you an NDA that we can sign before going further.