

Project Overview

Citify is a Real Estate platform. This includes two different user types-Buyer and Agent.
User can search,buy,sell or rent brokerage according to their requirement with this platform. Customer can add their home listing in the cart by just taping it they like. User can select multiple holdings at a time and make a tour with realstor to visit.Once the mulitple holdings are selected by the consumer ,the locations and directions are marked for the customer in the map that makes this platform more user friendly. User can cancel their tour instantly and can contact agent direct through chat.

Project Cost


Our PoA

This Real Estate application involves two separate user types-User and another type is Agent. Normal user can contact the agent through chat. Here,the most challenging task was to embedd real time locations of listings on the map for tour created by the user. Once this was done,we moved further development. After that admin panel was setup to manage tours and cart listings in an appropriate fashion that makes it more custom application. The project delivered to client successfully.

Time Effort

700 hrs

Project URLs

Technology used

Project Requirements
Backend with API development
Frontend Development
Quality Analysis

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